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Review of Blissful Lies by Jennifer Brown-Thomas

Blissful Lies Book Summary:
Things are often not what they seem in the decadent lifestyles of the rich and famous. Life can be messy and at times people do what feels wrong, because in the end it may turn out to be the best decision ever made. A close bond between 5 lifelong friends, now of college age, find the limits of their relationships are tested when multiple secrets and lies begin to surface, which ultimately leave them wondering if it is all too much to move forward as the family they once were. Forbidden love, drug dealing, date rape, betrayal, cheating, and more begin to unravel the strong ties between friends. Can they overcome secrets which warrant a very difficult life altering response?

My review

I absolutely loved the synopsis - it sounded gritty and exciting, and I am one of those people who loves teen/college age books so I thought Blissful Lies would be right up my street. Sadly, I thought it was only okay. My biggest problem with the book was that it read like a script.  Everything was presented very factually, so there is little room for the reader to fill in the gaps themselves. You don't get to decide or guess for yourself why the characters react in a certain way because it's all laid out for you. For me, one of the greatest things about reading is the ability to use my imagination and put the pieces together but that wasn't possible in this book. 

The relationships within the story were a little bit odd, most especially that of Addison and Jackson. Addison's feelings seem to move way too fast, and as she makes a big deal about not crossing boundaries at the beginning of the book, it was weird that she crossed a massive one by getting involved with one of her son's best friends.

That said, if you look past the "telling" throughout, the story as a whole isn't so bad. Blissful Lies is being brought to television next year and I think it will translate a whole lot better on screen than as a book.If you like Gossip Girl, and anything that involves young rich kids - I'd recommend reading Blissful Lies because it will keep you entertained.

Jennifer Brown Thomas's Bio:
At just 25 years old, Jennifer Brown-Thomas is a celebrated book author and movie director. Her first novel, Blissful Lies, combines both of her passions.

At the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, she presented Blissful Lies (the movie) starring Emmy award winning actress, Leann Hunley. YTINIFNI Pictures is working to bring the film to DVD and on-demand television this spring.

Jennifer is a married, Texas Christian University graduate and mother of one. Her newest venture, LBT Enterprises, is set to launch a fragrance, a children's clothing line and more.

Watch for more novels from Jennifer - the next on its way is Vindictive Grounds, the sequel to Blissful Lies. In February, Jennifer will begin directing the film version of this novel. She says, "It definitely has more of the explicit sexual contact comparable to Fifty Shades of Grey."

Prices/Formats: $15.00 paperback, $8.99-$9.99 ebook
Publisher: Helm Publishing
ISBN: 9780985048839
Pages: 234
Release: January 3, 2012

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Blissful Lies Goodreads:

Blissful Lies (the movie) web site:

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  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read it! Have a fantastic New Years!

  2. Kyra, thanks for reading and reviewing Jennifer's book. Glad you found it to be an entertaining read :)

  3. I enjoyed your review of Blissful Lies, and kudos to you for your honesty and integrity as a reviewer. I thought you balanced your feedback well, offering both what you felt were the book's strengths and weaknesses. That's how it's done! Bravo!

  4. Thank you for the honest review. Sounds like a bit of cougar action in there!

  5. I'll mention this read to all my "Shades" fan friends!

  6. Thanks so much ladies! I will say, live and learn... Going from writing the screenplay, which I did first, to writing the novel, took some serious adjusting. BUT rest assured, my new novel "Vindictive Grounds" an erotic thriller, is destined to shake things up. I hope you'll stay tuned for it and make sure to enter the giveaways for Bliss!

    1. I look forward to your new novel. :D There is certainly a huge difference in novel writing and screenplay writing, and it's all a learning curve! I know for sure my first book could use a bit of polishing!


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