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When I grow up I want to be...Jolene Perry

Lol, I know I sound like a kiss-ass, but Jolene single-handedly restored my faith in fiction. Just a few days ago, I was talking to Clare about how disheartened I was getting about reading published books that had a lack of compelling story, or characters that were hard to relate to. It was making me feel like I was striving to be the best I could be in a world filled with stories that just weren't doing it for me. I also wondered if perhaps I have just become terribly hard to please,after all, the last book that excited me was Harry Potter, and that was a pretty long time ago! Jolene's epic writing skill made me see that I have a long way to go, but if I can develop characters even half as well, I will be on the right track!

But then I picked up Night Sky. This is a YA story that has characters you can't help but fall in love with. Jameson is a dream, and even though I have (obviously! :p ) never been an 18 year old boy, I could still understand the challenges he was going through, and feel his joy and pain with him. I simply cannot express strongly enough how much everyone needs to read this book - you won't regret it!

And now for something else which is totally awesome! I am almost at 100 followers! It totally blows my mind that there are almost 100 people who are interested in the things I have to say lol. I will think about doing some kind of giveaway when (if)I get there! :D

Next up, I was tagged in the Lucky 7 meme by Jaycee DeLorenzo (another blogger with an awesome name!) Here are the rules:

1.  Go to page 77 of your current MS.

2.  Go to line 7.

3.  Copy down the next 7 lines - sentences or paragraphs - and post them as they're written.  No cheating.

4.  Tag 7 authors.

5.  Let them know.

(Before I post, I must say that my WIP is not quite complete yet, so what is page 77 right now, might not always be page 77 lol)

Shaking my head, I said, “It doesn’t matter what you say, your true colours always show through, don’t they?”

Just one second ago, he’d been suggesting we should keep away from each other, the next he was inviting me to spend a couple of days with him Whether he was serious or not, those two ideas most definitely contradicted each other.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his grin completely erasing any hint of genuineness from his words, “You’re standing in front of me wearing almost nothing, I couldn’t help myself.”

“Try,” I told him, coldly, wishing that we were having this conversation anywhere but in a swimming pool. Somewhere where I could be fully dressed, so his eyes couldn’t drift over my body making me feel both uncomfortable and aroused at the same time.

“This is why we need a break,” he said, then confidently added, “When I get back, you’ll wish I’d never gone away.”

“You don’t actually think I’ll be pining away in my room for you?” I asked, laughing.

“You can tell a lot about a person from a kiss, you know.”


If it's okay, I am not going to tag 7 people, just because I'm not sure who has already been tagged, but please feel free to join on this one because it's a LOT of fun! 

You didn't think you were going to get a whole post without a blogfest mention, did you? :p Haha, the WIP: The Movie bloghop is on FRIDAY, so there is still plenty of time to sign up if you want to join in. Click here to sign up!

Whew, I think that's all for now! hope you have a great day!


  1. It's always wonderful to be inspired by another author's words and story. Those connections bring such value to our own craft!

    1. They certainly do! I feel like I learned a lot from Jolene, and I am looking forward to reading more of her work!

  2. Jolene rocks! I haven't read her book, but it sounds fantastic. :)

    1. It really is fantastic! Well worth a read!

  3. I think Jolene is inspirational, too. Her books are amazing!

  4. I downloaded Jolene's book, but I haven't read it yet. Now I can't wait to!

    1. I left mine on my Kindle for a few days because I was reading something else, but I gave in because everyone was talking about it so much. Now I know why!

  5. I looooooove Jolene... I've read two of her books and Night Sky is waiting on my ipad to read right now ;) Can't WAIT to dive in! :D

  6. I read Night Sky last week! It was amazing!!! What a fun tag :) I loved your excerpt.

    1. There is a lot of love for Night Sky! :D

      Thanks for the compliment on my excerpt - it needs a little polish, but it's coming along nicely!

  7. No, I wanna be Jolene! Me! Lol.

    And I love your excerpt! This tag is super fun!

    Can't wait for the movie fest!

    1. No, I said it first! :p Lol!

      Thanks, Cassie!

  8. Congrats on nearly 100 - it will happen soon! Also can't wait for movie fest :)

    1. I'm up one more follower since I posted, so I'm getting closer lol.

      Glad you're excited about the fest!

  9. I downloaded Night Sky last week but I haven't had the chance to start reading it yet. I'm really looking forward to it though. Jolene's a great writer.

  10. I'm blushing, lol.


    Also -WAY excited for the blogfest - Kelley Vitollo and I JUST finished a joint project that we're going to use - WAY EXCITED!!

    1. You're very welcome, I thoroughly enjoyed Night Sky!

      Ooh, I can't wait to see the revelation of your new characters!!

  11. I keep hearing great things about this book. Guess it's time I read it. :)

  12. Isn't it great when a book captures us like that?

    1. Absolutely. I haven't felt that way about a book in a looong time!

  13. Kyra, you don't sound like a kiss-ass, you sound like a super fan :)

    I'm so glad you enjoy Jolene's work.

    1. Well, that's a relief lol!

      Yup, Jolene is fabulous and I can't wait to read more of her work!

  14. Hi Kyra! New follower here. You're one step closer to 100!

    I enjoyed your excerpt. Very cute character interaction. :)

    1. Thanks for the follow! Glad you enjoyed my excerpt! :D

  15. You're right - Jolene is awesome! I love her books. She is a fabulous writer and I learn so much from her.

    I love your 7 lines too! Whoo-hoo! Fab job!

    And I'm all signed up for the bloghop!

    1. Thanks, Leigh!

      SO EXCITED about the bloghop! Is it Friday yet??

  16. Jolene does indeed rock, though I haven't read any of her books yet - they ARE on my TBR!

  17. I've heard so many great things about Jolene's book. Can't wait to read it!

    1. There is definitely a lot of buzz surrounding Night Sky, and for very good reason!

  18. SOunds like a great book and congrats on almost reaching 100!

  19. I LOVE Jolene! And her book Knee Deep that comes out in a few months is AWESOME. ;) Loved your lines. :)

  20. Hey girl! The contest on my blog is working now, so pop over and enter! :) Sorry about the mess up!

    1. No worries, I've entered now! Thanks for letting me know!

  21. I really liked your MS. Heart-breaking and sarcastic at the same time :)

  22. YAY congrats on reaching 100 followers!! Great excerpt! Jolene's book does sound amazing, I need to read it!

  23. Congrats on the followers.

    Such an honest, heart felt message about Jolene. I can't wait to read her book now

  24. The WIP Blogfest sounds fun. I'll be doing it. I already have my characters picked out and am ready to go!

  25. Jolene is my fave :)

    I loved your 7 lines. Very well done!

    Also, I am so excited about the blogfest!!


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