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Sad songs blogfest

Today is the day of L. Diane Wolfe's blogfest!

The rules:

List the songs that move your spirit, cut deep into your soul, and threaten to break your heart.

No limit - top ten or less is fine. 

Music is vital to my writing. It moves me and sets the scene. It’s also a great passion in my life. I will fall in love with a song because of the way it makes me feel. And those songs that bring me to a truly emotional place are special. 

This was actually quite a challenge for me, because I tend to block out any songs that might make me want to curl up in a ball and weep. However, I dug deep and found these little gems:

Deep and Meaningless - Rooster Holy hell, even just the sound of this guy's voice gets me. This song was being played a lot around the time when I broke up with a guy I loved more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. Yeah, this song makes me honest too, lol. I still can't listen to it all the way through, and the break-up happened nearly seven years ago. Hmm, I hope this doesn't make me pathetic! Everybody Hurts - REM This is kind of a funny story, but back in 1996, the European football championships were held in the UK. I was 14 at the time, and the whole country had gone football crazy. I was into football in a big way back then, and with every round we sailed through, the more exciting it was. It was all everyone could talk about at school. We reached (I think) the semi finals, and got beaten out by Germany in a penalty shootout. The following day, the walk to school was silent. Seriously. Not a single soul said a word, we were all so upset by the outcome. Later that day, they showed highlights of the match on TV, to this song. It doesn't matter how many times I've heard it since, it always takes me back to the day our Euro '96 dream ended. Someone Like You - Adele I know everyone is crazy about Adele, and rightly so, she is very talented. But her music just reaches so far into my soul, I feel like she is singing about my experiences, and I hate that. I know that is what makes her so special, but I cannot bear to listen it. This song is one of her biggest offenders. The lyrics don't personally mean anything to me, but the raw emotion of it is just too painful. Well, I am thoroughly depressed now LOL! I am going to blare out some happy music before I hop around to the other blogs!


  1. Adele - she has such a powerful voice! GREAT choice

  2. I remember Euro 96 - you're right, it was the saddest time. We should have gone all the way! It was definitely the semi-finals too. :-( I still feel bad about it, because we ain't gonna do it this year!

    I've got Everybody Hurts as part of my A-Z. It's the video that gets me - the song alone I think I could handle!

  3. Whoa! I love Adele. And Someone Like You is truly a tear-jerker. Lately I've had Vanessa Carlton's song Heroes and Thieves in my mind...such an emotional song for me. Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. I don't know any of these, (can you tell I'm a dinosaur?) but yeah I do like the sound of the guy's voice. Adele has a unique sound.

  5. Great choices. REM is one of my favs!

  6. REM... is the soul to sad songs...

    Please Check out My Sad Song List...
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Visit The Madness:

  7. I rarely listen to sad songs. I love fast fun upbeat music. If I'm feeling down I try and bring myself up :)

  8. Aw, that REM song is sad even without a memory attached to it. Now it sounds downright painful.

  9. YES! that adele song is just... wow. everything you said.

    and everybody hurts seems to have made it on several lists today!

  10. I hadn't heard the first one. Oh my gosh how powerful. And that guy's voice is amazing!

  11. I agree with you on Everybody Hurts, depressing. I like Adele's song though. I didn't do the blog hop because I can never think of this stuff unless I hear one on the radio. There's a lot from the 80s though that I never liked because they were so depressing.

    Surprising a song popped into my head as I'm writing this. Main Street, Bob Seger. The music even seems sad.

  12. aww! I really wish i'd known about this blogfest. I really failed on the internet this week

  13. A lot of people have picked Adele. She's a great song writer. Powerful words.

  14. There's always a memory that ties with a song, isn't there?

  15. Rooster was really pretty. Had to play it, because the first thing I thought of was the song Rooster by Alice in Chains, and it's really sad, too.

  16. I didn't know the Rooster song. All three were very fitting choices.

    Sad Songs Blogfests—Places I Remember
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  17. Ha! I've got Adele on my list too :-)

  18. Browsing the blogfest list. Nice song choices

  19. When I wrote my post I was searching my head for an REM song and kept thinking 'no, that's not that sad'--I think you nailed it. I was looking too old.

  20. REM and Adele! Nice choices. :)

  21. I like Adele, too. Packs a lot of soul in her songs. :-) Rooster was a new one to me.


  22. I hadn't heard Rooster before. I like it. :) Great picks.

  23. REM & Adele - love it! Didn't know the other one before now - I like it :)

  24. Great, great choices.

    Can't go wrong with Adele that's for sure :)

  25. I did'nt know Rooster either, but I really liked it. :)

  26. I'm kicking myself the more that Everybody Hurts shows up. It's the best sad song ever and I left it off my list.

  27. God! I remember Euro '96. I don't remember if I assosiate a song with it, but REM's Everybody Hurts is perfect. That year was the perfect example of shattered dreams. :(

  28. I can't believe I forgot 'Everybody Hurts'! Great choices.

  29. REM. Great choice.
    Thanks for sharing!

  30. This would have been a great blogfest for me! oh well, travelling gets in the way sometimes I guess ;) gonna have to go and visit people's posts for it retroactively to see if I can find new music!

  31. Everyone seems to love Adele :-)

  32. Every time I hear an Adele song come on the radio, I blast it and just let it seep into my soul... man, the Set Fire to the Rain song that's so popular right now? I LOVE IT.

    Go rock, Kyra. Fab post! :D

  33. Ah, I love Adele. All of her songs are just so soulful.

  34. I love the second and third one - off to listen to the first, which is new to me.

  35. R.E.M. definitely. Loosing My Religion would be my fave sad song bu them. Also the song One Headlight (can't remember singer). A very good list and nice blogfest.

  36. Adele! What a great choice. This is a great post.

  37. Oh, that Adele song gets me every time! Great choices.


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