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Chick-lit and cheese

Before I start, I need to give a shoutout to all the awesome people who have signed up for the WIP:The Movie Blogfest! If you haven't joined in yet, you can find the details here

And now,, I am about to engage in a Monday Moan (which sounds like quite a cool regular blog idea lol!). Anyone not wishing to read a self-obsessed whine should probably skip over this one, and I will try to be back to my sunny self next time! :D

So, when I started this blog, my WiP was different to the one I'm working on now. I mentioned a little while ago that I have decided to self-publish the story I am editing at the moment, but that is still likely to change as I dance about with the idea of finding a publisher.

That isn't really today's big issue. Instead, I am living under a constant cloud of doubt. I know every writer has one, but mine won't shift. I want to write, but all the time a voice in my head is saying, "Ha ha, who do you think you're kidding? You can't do it!"

I fight with it, and I carry on. Kind of. Actually, it usually wins and I find myself feeling grumpy for the rest of the day, but the writing and editing continues.

My current WiP is most definitely chick-lit. I know, I know, there are a lot of people who gag over the very notion. But I enjoy it, and for the most part, I'm good at it. Chick-lit is usually cheesy in some way, and that is one of the things I both love and hate. I enjoy reading it, but when I'm writing it, I occasionally have to stop and laugh at myself for writing such terribly lame words.

So, maybe I am writing in the wrong genre, or maybe I am no good, or maybe the cheese is right and I need to stop second guessing myself at every turn.

I have absolutely no answers about what I should be doing, but what I know is that I am feeling dejected today and I need to overcome it.

If you stuck the post out this far, thank you! <3 


  1. We all dabble in doubt once in a while. Write what you want, query when you feel it's ready and see what happens. Stop doubting yourself.

  2. I think we write best when we write what's in our heart. If you're following your writing heart, your work will show it and shine :)

  3. I love good cheesy chick-lit, but if it makes you uncomfortable, maybe consider doing some shorter projects in another genre and see if you feel more comfortable with those. But I mostly think Miranda's right that we all doubt ourselves, though I think it's more than once in awhile. Personally, my CP has had to talk me off a ledge more than a few times with the WIP I'm currently editing (including two near-misses where I threatened to rewrite the entire thing... once from a different character's POV).

    I know this only helps marginally when you're knee-deep in doubt, but hopefully it at least helps that little bit. Good luck!

  4. Hello Kyra, first time visitor. Great to meet you! I just signed up for the Blogfest and will post the icon on my side bar and do some promoting as we go along.

  5. Oh Kyra... it's awful, isn't it? The doubt... I'm such a roller coaster when it comes to writing... one minute so confident that a scene is just right and the next thinking it's the worst thing written on the planet... As far as genre, I love chick-lit---and not every one can write it! If that's what's in your heart, you write it. I don't have the answers yet with how to shift the cloud permanently (is there such a thing?) but I do know that we keep trying, keep going, keep learning. Because we have to. It's not an option to quit. We're all excited for your writing adventure, Kyra--I hope so much that the clouds can break and inspiration can soar this week for you!!!!

  6. Ack, that awful word. (Doubt) I get it often as I stare at the page and wonder, what the heck am I doing.

    Let me tell you something though about the cheese. People love cheese. I mean, look at Twilight. It's like the cheese-wiz that sprays at you until you have drowned in it. Personally, I think what you think is cheesy, is actually, AWWWWW! Which is a good thing. It sets the heart on fire.

    I'm intrigued by this blogfest of yours... must go check it out :)

  7. First, take heart. Doubt is not only natural, but part of the process. We all feel it, even the great writers constantly struggle with doubt and self worth (the ones who don't are usually just covering it up well).

    The trick is to not put so much pressure on yourself. You have got to write, otherwise you'd quite. You keep writing and editing even after conceding to the evil voice, because you cannot stop. This means you are a writer at your very core. Only writers subject themselves to this kind of personal pain and cruelty. Strangely, it's a good sign. You are a writer.

    Just keep going.

    And for the record, good enough is a terrible standard to shoot for. I know it's the bench mark we all think of, but wouldn't it be a little better shoot for great, or brilliant, or even Awesome.

    Smile, you are a writer.

    1. You guys rock!

      Today has been filled with doubts and such, but it feels good to know that I am not alone, and your advice is so appreciated! <3

      Miranda & Joanne - I think you are absolutely right about writing what I want. I keep thinking I am doing it wrong, and the truth is, it can't REALLY be wrong feels right lol! The doubts are evil!

      Tobi - OMG, I have almost re-written my other story from a different POV too. I genuinely thought it was the right thing to do and then I realised...I was very, very wrong!

      Stephen - Welcome to my crazy mind lol!

      Morgan - Thank you! While it sucks to hear everyone has to deal with the nasty cloud, it's also kind of reassuring too!

      Cassie - LOL, well, Twilight was so cheesy, even I couldn't handle it! But I know what you mean, and people really do seem to love it.

      Rena - You have just put the most gigantic grin on my face! It's very good to know I am suffering for a good reason. And I definitely need to ease off on the pressure!

  8. The doubt is so hard. I know. We all go through it. Just keep going and if you love chick-lit, write chick lit. I feel the same way about contemporary. It's what I write and I hear people say they want it but 95% of the sales I see going through Publishers Marketplace is paranormal or dystopia. But contemp is my love so it's the majority of what I write.

    Good luck. Just keep going!

    1. Thanks Kelley! Chick-lit is definitely what I love, so I will stick with it! :D

  9. I say listen to your gut. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. If it feels right, do it until it works. Eventually you'll find the magic combination, the mixture between writing what you love and writing something that is marketable. Of course, this only matters if you're seeking publication. Otherwise, write for the experience, and the love!

    1. Lol when I wrote this post, nothing felt right! But I think I'm back on track now, and hopefully I won't start doubting myself again for a while!

  10. Keep writing the world needs more Chick-lit :)

  11. I love good chick-lit. :) I think we all feel doubt, (or at least, I have yet to meet someone who hasn't.) Do you enjoy what you're writing? Then don't worry about the people who might think it's cheesy. The people who love that stuff, (and there are a lot) will enjoy it, too.
    (And those people who would 'gag over the very notion' are probably boring people you wouldn't want to even hang out with any way.) ;)

  12. listen, i've enough of really successful career authors who will come straight out and say that even they still have the problem of thinking them writing anything is a joke. You just have to remember that it will pass.
    And, it never hurts to give other genres a try if you want. You never know, you might be really suited to something else

  13. HI - I love a good bit of chick lit (okay - I'm obsessed)
    What about getting it out to some beta readers to give you some honest feedback... then you'd at least know you were on the right track. I know how you feel - I get those moments when I'm writing, but as long as you're in love with your story, I'm sure you'll be grand
    Laura xxx

  14. We all have one of those terrible clouds of self-doubt. They suck. But --- perseverance is what separates the winners from the losers. Don't give up on yourself. Get your book out to some beta readers and get their opinions. Then go from there. But no matter what - keep it up! :)

  15. I am plagued by doubt too. Some days it's so bad it turns me into a morose little beast who only wants chocolate.
    *and for the record, I love chick lit. Anything genre, when well done is fun to read.

  16. I know how you feel :) These doubts sink in at least once a week, especially with the querying process looming. Ah, the life of a writer :) Keep with it! You can do it! It's worth it :)

  17. I love chick lit; the two manuscripts that I've completed so far are both chick lit. You're right in that some chick lit books are definitely cheesy; I think it's not necessarily because they have happy endings and handsome heroes, but because they fall into the trap of using chick lit stereotypes, like female narrators who describe every item of clothing that every single character wears (I HATE it when writers do that). But on the other hand, there is some really good chick lit out there (and I'm willing to bet that the stuff that you're writing is good too) that is different from the not-so-good chick lit, because although the good authors also often include happy endings and handsome heroes, at the same time they bring their own voices and ideas for what makes a happy ending and who a hero/heroine really is. So that's what sets their novels apart from all the other ones.

  18. Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about the blogfest! Egad. Thank you for reminding me!

    As for you, I'm pretty sure all of us can relate to self-doubt. It's okay. We're here for you. :3
    Sooner or later, you'll figure it out. I believe in you.

  19. Thanks SO much for all of your comments! It's great to know there is still a lot of chick-lit love!

    Your support means the world to me - I hope I can return the favour sometime!


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