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Support for Nick Wilford and Family

I hesitate to start a Monday morning with sad news, but I'm hoping most of you already know it by now, and have had a little time for the news to sink in.

For those who don't know, no doubt many of you follow Nick Wilford. He's a writer, and one of the most supportive, hard-working people I know. One of the things he has been passionate about is raising money for his stepson, Andrew McNaughton. Andrew had cerebral palsy, and the fundraising by Nick and his family was to help get Andrew to a specialist college so he could continue his education with all the support necessary for him to thrive.

Sadly, Andrew passed away unexpectedly on Saturday morning.

Over the weekend, I witnessed a massive outpouring of love and sadness for Nick and his family from fellow writers and bloggers. People who have never met Nick, and never met Andrew, but were touched by his story and felt compelled to help any way they could. Many of us contributed to Overcoming Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew and as such, we were all connected to him in a small way.

Clare Dugmore, Mary Pax and I took some time over the weekend to discuss what we can do to show Nick that we are here for him, and we decided the best thing we can really do is continue to raise funds to go to a charity of the Wilford/McNaughton family's choice. I've taken on the donation collection duties, simply because I live in the UK, and it just makes more sense since Nick is in the UK, too.

The plan is for those who wish to contribute to send a donation to my Paypal account, where I will collect it all and send it on to Nick. If you would like to contribute, or even if you just have a message you'd like me to pass on, my email address is: kyralennon (at) gmail (dot) com.

I plan to send over the donations on Wednesday, of course, if any come in after that, I will send those along too. But I'd like to have most of it done by then.

For all your generosity so far, I thank you. It is genuinely touching to see how much support you have for Nick, and how something that affects one of us ripples through the blogging community, pulling us together. I am so proud to be part of it. Bloggers are the best!

 My thoughts continue to stay with Nick, Heather and their daughters at this time.


  1. Hi Kyra .. thank you so much for combining with Clare and Mary to offer support through the Andrew McNaughton fund ... I'll be donating - just need to find your paypal account and then I can do so ..

    I have Nick's address so I'll be sending them a card too - but that's a wonderful thought to have put together for Nick, Heather and their daughters so quickly ...

    Thanks so much ... Hilary

  2. Thanks Kyra for stepping up to represent us, and my thoughts and prayers continue to be with Nick and his family.

  3. Prayers to Nick and his family during this very difficult time. And thank you Kyra for organizing all of this.

  4. My prayers and deepest sympathies go out to Nick and his family. Thank you for putting together this very kind gesture.

  5. Thanks again for doing this, Kyra. This is so heartbreaking I still can't believe it.

  6. Thank you so much for spearheading this and allowing all of us to relay our prayers to Nick and his family through you.

  7. Thank you for taking on such an important role, this is devastating news, and I can't imagine how horrid it is for his family. Prayers and blessings!

  8. As others have said, thank you. I can't begin to imagine how his family must be feeling right now.

  9. Such sad news, thoughts very much with Nick and his family. Thanks for organising a collection, Kyra.

  10. I've been thinking of Nick and Andrew all weekend. I think this is awesome. But now I feel do I find your paypal account?

  11. You can count me in on a donation, and I'm spreading the word. Thank you for putting this together, Kyra!

  12. This is a loving and generous thing for you three to do. Right now, I'm sure they're just numb but later, this will mean so much to them and say, Andrew had value and was appreciated.

    I won't be able to contribute anything before Wednesday, but I will later this month.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  13. This is absolutely heartbreaking. Thanks for being the bearer of this sad news and for giving us a way to do something.

  14. My thoughts and sympathies are with Nick and his family. Thank you for organizing this!

  15. What horrible news! My heart goes out to Nick and his family! Thank you for organizing this!

  16. Kyra - I hadn't heard this news until I saw Alex's post. I would like to donate, thank you for organising. Is your paypal account the email address you state above? I assume so and will organise a donation.

  17. My thoughts and prayers go to Nick and his family.

  18. I read this on Alex's blog late Monday Night. Such sad news and condolences to Nick and the family. Glad you're helping out Kyra.

  19. Thank you for co-ordinating this Kyra.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to Nick and his family.

  20. I've been praying for Nick and his family since I heard the news. Thank you for coordinating this, Kyra!

  21. Awesome the response has been so good!! This community rocks,

  22. This is so sad, my heart goes out to them.

  23. Such tragic news :( I only just found out!

  24. Thank you so much for everything, Kyra, and to all of you. I'm sorry I cannot respond to every comment here but know that all the good wishes are warmly appreciated.

  25. Such a sad loss. My prayers are with Nick and his family. God bless.

  26. I am so glad that you thought of a way for us to show our sympathy and love.

  27. I just found out! I have been fighting an illness n' chiggers and hadn't been online. I was shocked to hear this and so sad~ I too want to send my prayers to Nick and his family~ Thank you Kyra, Clare and Mary, for doing this!

  28. I'm so sorry to hear of Andrew's passing. Nick and his family will be in our prayers.

  29. Oh my word I'm so shocked to read this!


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