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All I Want for NaNo and Game On Bloghop Winners!

Ah, NaNo has arrived and I am... well, I'd be happy if there was one more day left in October to get ready lol! However, there's no stopping the time, so this afternoon, I will be settling down at my laptop and getting started!

In the interests of getting in the mood for NaNo, I'm taking part in the All I Want For NaNo bloghop! This was set up by Jennie Bennett, David Powers King, Becca Ann, Kelley Lynn, and Jessica Salyer.

These guys have teamed together to release a Christmas anthology, and to celebrate the release, they want to know what we want for NaNo! This hop also comes with great prizes:

Jennie's giving away a 50 page critique + an ecopy of The Spirit of Christmas
Jessica's also giving a 50 page critique + an ecopy of The Spirit of Christmas
Kelley's giving a $25 Amazon Giftcard + an ecopy of The Spirit of Christmas
David's also giving a $25 Amazon Giftcard + an ecopy of The Spirit of Christmas
Cassie's giving a choice of any of her ebooks + an ecopy of The Spirit of Christmas
So, what do I want for NaNo? My only wish is to finish it as well as I finished CampNaNo last year. I wrote Blindsided and it came out almost perfect with minimal edits needed. I don't know how I did it, but if I can do that again, I would be thrilled! 

Game On Bloghop Winners
I'd like to extend my thanks to all the people who entered the Game On Bloghop! There were only a few of us, but that's okay, y'all made an effort and I appreciate it!
I had seven prizes on offer, but as only seven people entered, everyone gets a prize! SO, here's how they breakdown:

1) New paperback copies of Game On and Blindsided - WINNER Annalisa Crawford
2) An e-copy of one of my books WINNERS: Clare Dugmore, Alex Tanner, Theresa Paolo, and Sydney Aaliyah
3) A full manuscript edit (2 winners) WINNERS: L.G Keltner and Elizabeth Seckman

I will contact all of you over the weekend or early next week about your prizes!

Right, I'd best get started on work! Happy NaNo-ing, everyone!


  1. Ooh yay, prizes! :D awesome!

  2. Congrats to the winners, wishing you all the best for NaNo. Happy writing!

  3. Good luck with NaNo! I only decided yesterday I was doing it myself! x

  4. Isn't that all our dream?? A manuscript that doesn't need much editing? I wish for that too! Thanks for joining our hop :)

  5. An awesome a worthy goal, and without much editing last time?! Dang. I could do with some of that action. Thanks for participating in our holiday hop! :)

  6. Good luck with NaNo! I have faith in you!

  7. I'm hoping for the same thing! Though, I'm thinking my first draft won't be as pretty as yours was...haha

  8. Congratulations to the winners!
    Here's hoping you finish with a clean manuscript, Kyra.

  9. That's a worthy goal. Best of luck to you! And the Game On Blog Hop was fun. Yay prizes!

  10. Woooooo! I won books! And sexy new covers., Yay, thank you :-)

  11. Congrats to the winners! :) Good luck to you, Kyra. Let's hit that 50k, then party :D

  12. Congrats winners! Wish you the nest of luck Kyra and who doesn't want to finish their manuscript? Minimal edits is just icing on the cake.

  13. I am so excited!!! Thank you! The bloghop was a lot of fun :)

    Good luck with Nano! To come out with an almost perfect manuscript is beyond impressive!!!!

  14. Congrats to the winners, and happy writing.

  15. I hope your NaNo wish comes true!

  16. I can't believe Blindside went so smoothly--I wish I could write something with minimal edits! :D Happy NaNo-ing!!

  17. Congrats to the winners! I just want to win NaNo this year - hopefully with a bit extra so I have as much of a complete first draft done as possible. Maybe just a pipe dream, but it comes down to how much we apply ourselves, I suppose. Good luck!

  18. Somehow I forgot about or missed the Game On bloghop. I would have liked to be in the running for that stuff, even though I already have two of your books and one of your novellas in e-format. Someday I plan to have the print copies as I totally prefer those!

    Anyway, congrats to the winners, and YAYYYY NaNo!!

  19. Hope the NaNo is going well so far!

  20. I haven't tried Camp NaNo yet. That's always an option to redeem myself if I don't finish NaNo! :)


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