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One more tiny request for Nick Wilford...

Hey guys,

Thank you all so much for your comments on my last post. The donations coming in for Nick and his family have overwhelmed me, and I can't wait to share with him and all of you how much we managed to get! I will be taking donations for the rest of the day so if you would like to donate, you can Paypal your contribution to kyralennon (at) gmail (dot) com.

I do have one further request, though I know many of you are already aware of this. Andrew's family have asked if those who cannot attend Andrew's funeral (Friday, 11am UK time) would be able to release a red balloon for him - and say a prayer for him. Red was Andrew's favourite colour, and this is such a sweet idea, I thought it might be nice if we joined in. Again, no pressure, please only do what you can! However, if you will be releasing a balloon, please could you take a photo of it and email it to me at the above email address, and let me know your location (city or state is fine, it doesn't have to be too detailed!). I plan to create an Andrew balloon collage to send to Nick and his family, as another way to hopefully lift their spirits at this awful time. Let's fill the world with love for Nick and Heather's superstar boy!

Again, thank you for everything! <3 br="">

EDIT: Some of us are having the hardest time finding helium balloons (small town woes) - so while balloons are what Andrew's family have asked for, if you can't do that, perhaps you could take a photo of yourself wearing red, or light a red candle in Andrew's memory. (Thanks to Annalisa Crawford for the ideas!) - all of this can still go towards the collage. The aim is to show Nick and Heather that we all attended the funeral in our own way.


  1. Thrilled to here the donation drive is going so well. Heading out to get my balloon today. :)

    Appreciate you working to make sure we're (the writing/blogging community) able to help the family and give Nick our support.

  2. Such a precious idea with the balloons. Off to figure out UK time difference. :)

  3. Thank so much for arranging all this, Kyra. If it's not too late, I'm going to be sending on a donation.
    {{Hugs}} to Nick and his family.

  4. Great that you posted and helped send donations Kyra.

  5. This is beautiful, Kyra. Thanks so much for heading all of this up. You are wonderful.

  6. I'm on the bereavement committee at my church, helping families at times like Nick's. And you Kyra are extra-special in Nick's time of need, thank you.

  7. So glad that the donations are pouring in. Just goes to show that this community is full of brilliant people. <3

  8. I know it's close to 11 a.m. in Scotland, but the wonderful Carrie Butler designed a virtual red balloon in honor of Andrew. Click on the link and just cut, paste and "fly" it on your blog...

  9. Honey, you're amazing for doing all this, as are the generous people of the blogging community. I'm sure it'll mean a lot to Nick and Heather. <3

  10. Such wonderful ideas, Andrew will be remembered around the world.


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