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So... I did a book signing! Oh, and there's a giveaway!

It was around two months of preparation, and on Saturday, the big day finally rolled around! Annalisa Crawford and I set up our books and merchandise in a lovely country pub, and waited for the guests to arrive!

Not gonna lie, there weren't THAT many guests. However, the people who did come were super cool and the day flew by in a blur of signing, selling raffle tickets, chatting, and much laughter! My mum and Annalisa's sister provided heaps of help by ripping and folding raffle tickets and making sure our merchandise tables stayed tidy.

It was really, really cool to spend the day feeling like a "proper" author, and sharing the day with Annalisa made it even better. I would definitely do it again, but there are a LOT of things I'd do differently - including making a much bigger deal out of advertising the event and choosing a venue where there are more passers-by. The venue we used is SO lovely, and it's not hard to get to, but it does lie on the edge of town, so anyone passing usually does so in a car lol.

Annalisa and me, standing by our raffle prizes! Try not to judge me too harshly on how gross I look! :p

I think the most impressive part of the day was that we raised over £100 for the charity, in spite of the fact we weren't bombarded with visitors. If we hadn't made more than £50, I'd have felt like we let Richard's Wish down. I know charities are always grateful for anything, but making that extra bit felt REALLY good!

SO, I still have a bunch of books, bookmarks, postcards and fridge magnets left over from the day. I think I'll probably just keep hold of them just in case we do it again BUT, I figured I might as well do a giveaway while I have the stuff to do it! Plus, I'm really trying to get back into the blogging thing and I think this will encourage me to do so!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A giveaway is a great idea! I've mentioned it on my blog too, when the post goes live :-)

  2. What a great amount raised for your chosen charity.

  3. Glad it ween ok for you. Sorry we were unable to make it. Sam & Phil

  4. Hey,

    You both looked beautiful in your themed T-shirts, which I thought was a great idea:)

    Well done for having a fun day - and raising a few quid for yourselves and the charity, too :)

  5. Awesome! I'm excited for you and wish I could have been at the signing. :)

  6. Wish I could have been at the signing. So excited for you.

  7. Congratulations on the signing, I'm so pleased it went well. :D

  8. So happy that the signing went well for you and gutted that I couldn't be there!

  9. Congratulations to you both! Putting yourself out there is hard, but you did it and for a good cause. As author Chris Guillebeau states:

    “Never despise small beginnings, and don't belittle your own accomplishments. Remember them and use them as inspiration as you go on to the next thing. When you venture outside your comfort zone, wherever the starting point may be, it's kind of a big deal.”

    1. What an awesome quote. Thanks for sharing it!

  10. How cool that must have been, indeed. And you raised money for charity, which is even better.

    Love the t-shirts!

  11. Glad it was a big success! And doing a signing with a friend is much funner than going it alone.
    Save all the leftover stuff and do it again sometime.

    1. YES, I would have never done it alone! Annalisa made it loads more fun :D

  12. I'm so glad your signing was a success! Have a happy week. ☺

  13. Sounds like an awesome day! Wish I could have been there. :)

  14. Oooh, to me that is a super cool prize! And if I had been in the area I would have totally been there! :)

    1. Aww, I wish you all didn't live so far away!

  15. Aw, you can't see my latest posts, I just realise - because your blog roll has my old URL on it :)

    New URL is here:

  16. Love the photo! Glad the book signing was a success!

  17. Love the photo! Glad the book signing was a success!

  18. Excellent things to keep in mind on book signings. And hey, looking forward to seeing you around the blogosphere more. ;)

    1. Thank you! I do hope to spend more time blogging now!

  19. Looks like a fun experience, and I love that you guys got to do it together.

  20. How exciting to do a book signing! And the pic of you girls is adorable!

  21. Wahoo! What a great time! Wish I could have been there!

  22. Yay! Sounds like an excellent day. You guys look fabulous!

  23. I'm glad it went well for you and it's fantastic you raised money for charity too.

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad we managed to raise a decent amount!

  24. Even though it didn't get as much traffic as you might've hoped, it sounds like it went very well! Congrats! :D

    1. Yeah, the people who came were so great, it made the day perfect!

  25. Looks like you had a great time and raising money for charity is very cool of you both. Love the shirts btw! (:

  26. I love that picture of you two! I think you look great. The t-shirts are awesome. Way to go and how good of you to do it for charity! Wish I lived closer because I would have popped in and supported you two!

    1. *huggles* I know you would have been here if you could, and we would have had a blast!

  27. It sounds like you had a good time raising money with your book signing. I'm glad to hear that you are happy with how it turned out. In hindsight we can always think of things we would have done different. So, you will know what do to do better, next time. Congratulations.

    1. Yes, I definitely picked up a few tips on how to change things up next time!

  28. I would be so nervous about my first book signing. Glad to hear it went well. I'm sure it takes a few times until everything goes how you want it.

    1. I was SO nervous, but it's really exciting too!

  29. I'm glad the signing went well, it must have been very nervy but also exciting. Great news about the giveaway too!

  30. Glad you had a great time. I imagine doing it together took the edge off the nerves slightly! Love the t-shirts too!

    1. It definitely helped that there were two of us!

      Thanks for the glass, it's gorgeous! My mum won it lol!

  31. Congrats on the launch and signing! Sounds like a lovely way to kick off!

  32. If I lived nearby, I would have gone! But it sounds like the book signing went well anyway; I'm happy for you!

  33. So fun, Kyra! Congrats on the signing! Seriously so fun!!!

  34. If I wasn't on the other side of the Atlantic, I'd have been there! I have come to decide if even a few show up, a signing is a success. I used to be one of those people who walked past authors at signings, but I don't anymore! I have felt the seclusion first hand.

    FINALLY reading Blindsided and loving it. You have such a great style, and that Brit flair...I'm wonkers for it.

    1. Right?! I never walk past an author at a signing now - it's awful to watch them sitting there with people ignoring them!

      Thanks, Elizabeth - I'm so pleased you're enjoying it!

  35. Kyra! I'm glad you had such a great signing. :D

  36. Awesome! Sounds like a blast. ;)

  37. That looks like so much fun! Which I could have come :)

    Sarah Allen
    (From Sarah, with Joy)

  38. Hi Kyra .. so pleased you raised so much £ for Richard's Wish .. sounds like a really happy and productive day for one and all - starting small, having Annalisa with you .. and just enjoying the process will, I'm sure, lead to other and greater things ...

    Good that you're back into blogging land! Cheers Hilary

  39. Oh my gosh you guys look so cute! I so would've been there if yanno I could afford that lol


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