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Book promo, question and a reminder

Man, my post titles are literal! :p

So, today I wanted to start off with something a little different. I know here in the blogosphere, many of us know each other pretty well. We always help each other out with cover reveals and book launches which is one of the reasons I love this community so much. We stick together!

When it comes to writing, I kind of have two circles of friends. Fiction writers I met through blogging, and article writers I met writing for the Yahoo Contributor Network. One of the people I met through content writing, is Sass Ashe. Let me tell ya, this woman is a superstar. She's smart, and she has a big personality, with a sense of humour that never fails to crack me up. Recently, she's been looking to increase her readership, and she revised and re-packaged one of her books. It's not fiction, it's a marriage/slash relationship guide - and I know this is a bit out of the norm on this kind of blog - but it's THAT good I wanted to share. Plus, I re-designed the cover! :p Seriously, though, relationship troubles or not, it's an interesting read, and no doubt, will save lots of people huge amounts of cash on marriage counsellors!

Next - a question. My book sales have taken a very dramatic nosedive the last couple of months. I've been expecting the crash for a while, and almost a year after my first book was released, I feel very lucky it's taken this long for sales to dwindle. In the interests of stirring up some more interest in the Game On series again (because that will be my next project when my current project is complete) I was considering maybe publishing my A-Z character diary entries as a free ebook. Or maybe my Game On Christmas story (also free, and it's not SO Christmassy I couldn't release it in the summer. It's about a birthday party lol). Or both? I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the topic. Good idea or bad idea?

And finally.... don't forget my signed Game On giveaway! I forgot to say, you can tweet every day for extra entries!


  1. I think they're both good ideas. Anything that puts your books 'out there' again to remind people or find new readers.

    1. Thanks! I will try to work on it sometime this week,I think!

  2. Or A-Z now, and the Christmas story at... erm, Christmas? 6 months in between the releases?

    1. Nah, I want the "Christmas" story out sooner because it leads into Bree's story, which hopefully will be out around Christmastime.:D

  3. I think either is a good idea.
    From my understanding now, it's continuously staying in front of readers that keeps sales going, whether by putting out a lot of books or online activity.

    1. Thanks, Alex! You're right, since I've been getting back in to the blogging thing,my sales have picked up a bit!

  4. Good luck to Sass with that book - and nice cover, Kyra - but is it OK if I say I'm *not* putting it on my TBR :)

    Re. your books... I think (and I don't know, 'cos me no publish no books yet) but the more of you that's out there - the more there is for the interested reader to find - and read - of yours :)

    GOOD LUCK :)

    1. Lol, that's totally fine!

      I agree, I will work on getting them ready for publication soon!

  5. They both seem like good ideas to me. You've got to keep your name out there. A Christmas Story, huh? :)

    1. It's a Christmas story as such, though it does happen around CHristmas. It's more a lead in to the next Game On book. :D

  6. The new cover looks great. :) Well done.
    Kyra, I have no idea, I don't know much about promotion. I would imagine it can only be a good idea, though. I mean, I can't think of a downside. Good luck! :)

  7. That cover looks fantastic! Simple and elegant.

    I think it a great idea to put your A-Z and Christmas story. Really, a Christmas in the middle of a too humid summer is welcome! The bigger your library of books, the better.

  8. Great job on the cover! Why not try publish the free A to Z. Like others said, it can keep your name out there.

  9. great cover! And why not with the a =z and Christmas stuff? Any thing you want -it's all promo and if it gets your name about it's gotta to be good!

  10. Both are great ideas though I think the A-Z should take priority since it will introduce new readers to your characters. Congrats Sass and nice cover work Kyra.

  11. Yep, I agree that both of your ideas are great ones, and you should totally do both! And I like the advice that others up there gave about going with the A-Z first of all. But it's good to have a few projects up your sleeve that can be released. :)

    I think the key is to always be releasing new stuff, even if that does put a girl under a bit of pressure ;)

    1. Yeah, I would definitely release the A-Z first, then follow up with the Christmas story. :D

  12. I'm most intrigued about the Christmas story.

    I'll have to check out the marriage book...I know some people who could use it- would it be tacky to give as wedding gifts?

    I hate sales numbers. They get me down. So, I go write a new story to cheer me up. :)

    I'm off to tweet again.

    1. LOL,it might be tacky to give as a wedding gift! :p

    2. LOL I just saw this, and personally I think it's a great book for new relationships- it may help avoid some of the issues before they arise, but yeah as a wedding gift it may be a bit tacky! Thanks for the help in spreading the word Kyra!

  13. Nice work on the cover, Kyra!

  14. Love the cover fro Sass Ashe's book; great work.

    you know I think you should release both your A-Z diary entries, and your Christmas story. it's a great intro to the series, plus it'd garner some interest before you get started on the next book.

    1. Yeah, I think I will do both eventually! :D

  15. Nice work on Sass' book.

    As for sales, I think books usually tend to have a cycle. Releasing new books is one way to drive people towards your backlist.

    1. Apparently, lowering the price of the first book helps, too! :D

  16. Hmm, I don't think I'm qualified to answer your question, but giving away something for free usually spikes people's curiosity!

    Love the cover!

  17. I'm with Emily. Creating new buzz about your books is a great way to pull in new readers. Good luck!!

  18. Yeah, I'm not super experienced at this or anything, but I have heard that the best way to sell books is to write more books. So if you put something new out there, that might do the trick.

    Sarah Allen
    (From Sarah, With Joy)

  19. Ooo, some day I'll look into reading this ;)

  20. SO neat for Sass! And Kyra, you rock. Thanks so much for your friendship. I'm so proud of all that you're doing!

  21. If you've got time for both, it can't hurt! Good luck with it all. Writer’s Mark


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