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The Level Up! Bloghop!

I was a little slow in signing up to this hop, but I'm glad I did! Hosted by Jamie and Allison, this bloghop is all about games! Here are the deets:

Games are an important part of living; otherwise life would be boring as hell. You might be a fan of video games, card or dice games, board games or even games you used to play on the playground as a kid. There's always a game that holds a special place with us.

On February 20th, talk about a game you play or used to play; tell us how it works and share your love of the game with the rest of us. It can be any kind of game you like, from World of Warcraft to Hopscotch, from Monopoly to Blackjack and everything else in between. Tell us what you love about that game. Just sign up with the widget below, and feel free to spread the word and use the badge above! We'll see you gamers on February 20th!


Okay, so I could literally talk on this topic for HOURS. You see, when I was a kid, board games were the coolest thing EVER. Yeah, I guess I may have been slightly dorky! :p

Every year, usually during the summer holidays, one of my best friends and I would spend abnormal amounts of time playing board games. Don't get me wrong, we weren't those weird pale kids that never left the house - we took our games out into the garden so we could catch some rays and play at the same time!

Over the years, our board game obsessions included: Monopoly, The Game Of Life, Go For Broke, Battleships,  The Batman Game (we couldn't work out the rules so we made up our own!) and Mandarin (which nobody I know has ever heard of lol!)

In between/during these board game obsessions, the Sega Megadrive was invented. This brought on a new bunch of game loves. Sonic The Hedgehog and Bubsy:Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind were our faves!

Ahh, I enjoyed this trip down memory lane! Looking forward to hopping around to find out about the games you love!


  1. Yup; I've never heard of Mandarin, but it looks interesting.

    Wow, I've not thought about the Bubsy games in ages. That does take me back!

    Thanks for taking part in the blogfest, Kyra!

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  2. My kids love playing Monopoly and Go For Broke. I didn't sign up for this bloghop because for the most part of my childhood I was either writing or terrorising my sister - does that count as a game...?

    1. LOL, that could count!

      I didn't know you could still get Go For Broke, next time I come over, I wanna play! :D

  3. I played a few vid games too before I got my SNES to play in my own home. We had a pretty well-off neighbour whose kid was totally spoiled, and we got to play his Sega and his Commodore 64. haha, yup, showing my age! I'm okay with that though. :D I loved Sonic but never really got the hang of it I guess you could say.

    I loved my SNES and still do!

    Oh, and I love board games. Monopoly rocks, but I also loved Cleudo, Snakes & Ladders, etc.

  4. My son plays Sonic on the Wii now. :) Of course his favorite is Skylanders and I can see why. Being able to actually have the toy, so you can play with it on the video game or just in your room is pretty darn cool.

  5. I love board games too, but I never can find anyone to play with me. :(

  6. We loved Battleship. If the rules were too complicated to any game, my sisters and I used to make up our own too!

    1. Battleships often led to arguments in my house lol!

      Making up rules it THE BEST!

  7. We've been spending a lot of time playing Vampires Rise lately. I feel like winter is board game season.

    1. Yes, winter is definitely a good time for them!

  8. I loved Sonic! I was terrible at it, but I loved it. I love how you guys made up your own rules. We never did that, but we made up games from scratch when we couldn't do monopoly without getting into a fight.

    1. I was terrible at Sonic, too! I've never completed it LOL!

  9. monopoly is always fun! I actually like the Xbox version, too!

    1. Oh yeah, the computer versions are good too! :D

  10. Nicely written, enjoyed your post. Monopoly was my favorite growing up, and still is! Sandy


  11. Life, Battleship, Monopoly - thanks for my trip down Memory Lane too:)

  12. Life, Battleship, and Monopoly. Yes, yes and yes. And you're right... I've never heard of Mandarin.

  13. I have horrible luck (or is it skill) at board games, but they're still fun. ;)

  14. I loved tetherball, double dutch and hopscotch. Thanks for the reminder of how fun those games were. :D

  15. My sister and I love playing board games, we can sit and play monopoly for hours :)

    1. I haven't played in a really long time, but all this talk makes me want to play again!

  16. We had Sonic the Hedgehog. (And by we, I mean my wife and I.) Sonic Two was even more fun because we got to play together.

    1. I liked Sonic 2, but a lot of people will always prefer the original. :)

  17. I remember when Asteroids for Atari came out. My best friend and I stayed up till dawn shooting rocks. We were in high school...that pale skin we had will slow us from wrinkling.

    1. LMAO! It's funny how addictive those simple games can be!

  18. I love board games and playing cards (I cheat at cards every time I can) but I'd always choose a good movie over games. Don't shoot me, I'm obsessed with moveis, shows and documentaries!

    1. LOL, well that's okay! I love a good movie, too! :D

  19. I played so many boardgames as a kid too. I'd play by myself when no one else would! I don't get a chance to play much any more and I miss it. Hopefully my son will want to play lots. He already loves Candyland!

    1. Heh, I used to play on my own sometimes, too!

      We don't have Candyland over here - or at least we didn't when I was a kid - I've always wanted to know what it's all about lol!

  20. We buy a new board game every Christmas to play with the family. So fun. Thanks for joining in the blogfest!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  21. Hee. Sonic. Only once did I ever get to the final level.

    Monopoly! I love monopoly! Had to buy the My Little Pony version for my daughter. Now she loves it too. ^_^

    1. Aww, a My Little Pony Monopoly sounds fantastic!

  22. Nice trip down memory lane indeed. Monopoly all the way.

  23. I played board games a lot with my family as a kid, especially Monopoly and Life. Why did I always end up in jail? Haha.

  24. I vaguely remember attempting playing some of those games when I'd go over to friends' houses. I remember clearly being terrible at a good most of them. :3

  25. Ah Battleship! The ultimate game of integrity. My brother used to cheat so bad when we played this, moving his ships when he thought I wasn't paying attention. I loved playing the game as much to plot where he was being deceptive as much as trying to sink his ships.

  26. I always wanted a sega mega drive to play when I was younger. Never got one. So I always had to go to my cousin's house to get a good game in. :)

  27. Oh my god, I loved Bubsy. "Did I mention I don't like heights", "What could possibly go wrong?". Those pianos that rolled down the hill to attack you scared the crap outta me! :D

  28. I never played the Batman game, but I love that you made up your own rules. Sometimes the best versions of games are the ones in which everyone agrees to play by a different, new set of rules.

  29. Oh board games - so classic, so much fun. And I love too that you made up your own rules for the Batman Game - that's brilliant and probably a lot more fun than the original.


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