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Cat and The Dreamer Blog Tour: Annalisa Crawford Talks About The Queen's Golden Jubilee

Yup, because I love Annalisa SO MUCH, she stopped by two of my blogs during her tour! :D Today, she discusses The Queen's Jubilee!

It's been a year since my novella Cat and The Dreamer was published! There have been lots of changes in my own life in that time, and I started to wonder what else had changed...

Thank you Kyra for inviting me over today!

Today's topic: The Queen's Golden Jubilee!

In February 2012 Britain was feeling a bit apprehensive, in fact I'd go as far as to say we had a collective feeling we were going to mess things up. 2012 was the year we'd been building up to for a long, long time...

This isn't a pro-/anti-royalist post, it's a 'could we handle having a big party?' and 'oh look, we've got an extra bank holiday even though it's in the school half-term holiday' post. After all, even if the monarchy survives forever and ever, it's going to be a very long time before anyone else reaches 60 years on the throne.

As Brits, we can be a bit down on ourselves, but in the event, I had a great summer. I liked the Jubilee celebrations, and I loved the concert - I'll remember the Madness set for a long time...

I wasn't so keen on the flotilla - mostly because of the inane commentary by the very random people the BBC employed that day - and it wasn't exactly the spectacle they promised us, although there were roughly 1000 boats taking part. Probably the rain didn't do much to help the atmosphere on screen. And the BBC really should know better than to interview real people!

I was in awe of the fireworks. Did you see them? They were incredible...

In other parts of the country, non-flag wavers waved flags and people sat down to street parties with their neighbours. I didn't. I was inside, watching the flotilla!

Did you celebrate the Jubilee or did you hide away until it was all over?
Do you live outside Britain? Did you have a quick peek at what was going on?

About Cat and The Dreamer
As a teenager, Julia survived a suicide pact, while her best friend Rachel died. Julia’s only escape from her guilt, and her mother’s over-protection, is her imagination. When Adam arrives in the office, Julia’s world takes a startling turn as she realises reality can be much more fun than fantasy. Finally she has someone who can help her make the most of her life. But can she allow herself to be truly happy?

Cat and The Dreamer is available on Kindle UK, Kindle US, Kobo, Nook, iTunes/iBooks, and via Vagabondage Press.

Annalisa Crawford lives and writes in Cornwall with a good supply of beaches and moorland to keep her inspired. She finds endless possibilities in the relationships between people. Several new projects are on the cards for 2013.
Find her on her blog, Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads.


  1. Aw Kyra, I love you too! :-) Thanks for hosting me again today. I'm off to watch the fireworks!

  2. The concert is amazing. Wish I could be there. Annalisa has come up with a great read. Suicide among teens isn't discussed enough and I hope this book helps expand the talk and help needed. Glad you hosted her Kyra.

  3. Hi Kyra .. good to see Annalisa here and to read more about the Jubilee - I'm not sure I ever saw the fireworks - so I'll enjoy looking at that video again ...

    My mother was still alive then - so life was a little hodge podge ... I wrote some posts - to record aspects for myself .. about the goings on in general - Jubilee, Olympics etc ... not as much as I'd have like to have done ... but my mother came first.

    Great you've posted your take on the Jubilee - the BBC really messed up the Pageant ... I was really upset at what a mess they made - the presenters were awful in the main and so ill prepared ....

    I must buy your book - I think I can get a copy ... I've still to set my Kindle up - but that's getting nearer in the scheme of things!

    Have good weeks .. Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. Yes, you always expect better of the BBC.

  4. Congrats on being published for a year. I've just started reading a sample of Cat and the Dreamer, and I love it so far; it's excellent. Adding it to my TBR list. :D

  5. I loved the Jubilee. I felt proud to be British. We had a Jubilee street party and it threw it down with rain all day and all night. It didn't stop us though. We were out there, getting wet and dancing in the street. :)

    1. If we let a bit of rain stop us, we'd never do anything in Britain!

  6. I live in the US and I'm afraid I missed it. I did hear about the boats though.

  7. I live outside Britain, so it wasn't as big a thing here. But I did see bits of it on TV :-)

    1. I was actually surprised it was as big as it was here, seeing as though half the country don't like the Royals.

  8. The synopsis hooked me. Adding to my Goodreads list now.

  9. We didn't get to see much of it here. But sixty years is definitely worth celebrating.

    1. Only another four and a half years and she'll have beaten Queen Victoria!

  10. You have to keep your royals! America loves them. Though, no one has the magic of Princess Dianna. I still miss her. :(

    1. I'm sure they'll be around for a while. We have Prince Harry - not magical, but he's a legend :-)

  11. I didn't see any of it until I came here. Thanks for sharing or I would have missed all of it. Sixty years!?! She's one strong lady.

    1. There were so many YouTube clips, it was hard to choose!

  12. I'm in the States and got a few peeks of the Jubilee. Looked like quite the celebration!

    1. And there were lots of street parties too. (I have a photo of me at the Silver Jubilee, but I couldn't find it for this post.)

  13. I peeked at what was going on over the pond. I think as a Canadian, we have a little more interest in it than the Americans. I admire the Queen, and I think William and Kate will be very good when their time comes too.

    1. I sometimes think it's a shame that the rest of the world like our Royal family more than the majority here seem to.

  14. I've always been a big Madness fan! I think I seen these videos posted here once before.

  15. I saw bits and pieces of it when it was on. I do admire the Queen for standing out in the rain all day, as an 86-year-old woman - she always seems to be such a trooper!

    1. Yes - they had chairs for her and Philip but they refused to use them.

  16. I caught whatever bits and pieces that were shown here in the US. My Dad always keeps me informed of what goes on "across the pond". I would love to have seen those fireworks and the Queen in person. One day, I am going to make it over there.

    And Annalisa's Cat and the Dreamer is going on my TBR list, today!

    1. The fireworks were fabulous! I hope you enjoy Cat and The Dreamer :-)


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