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IWSG: June 2017

Hello! It's IWSG time! I can't tell you how weird but wonderful it is to be doing this again!

So, this month's question is: Did you ever say “I quit”? If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?

To be completely truthful, as hard as writing can be sometimes, I don't think I've ever truly wanted to quit. What tends to happen are times of intense frustration, during which I question why I write, and tell myself I suck at it so I SHOULD just give it up. But I never do. I can't. Writing is just something I do - something I can't shake off.

To quit writing would be a painful thing. I tend to experience things in real life very intensely, so I need a place to channel it all. I think I would lose my mind without it! 

Quick reminder about the #MilesofSmiles hop! It's happening on Monday - not just on blogs but on ALL social media. Clare Dugmore and I are attempting so spread huge amounts of joy across the internet - to find out more and sign up, click here!


  1. Yes! Well, I'll be smiling in support. I haven't been on much social media in the last few weeks due to, well, life, but I'm all for anything that promotes the cheese.

    1. Hee hee, yes, life sure can keep us busy!

  2. I feel like I'm going to lose my mind either way--if I quit or stay writing:) But I would never truly quit:)

    1. Haha, yes I can definitely relate to that!

  3. You need that outlet.
    Glad you're with the IWSG again!

  4. Welcome back to the IWSG! :) Smiles are always needed and welcome.

  5. I need a place to channel it, too.

  6. I'm just like you. Quitting writing would be painful. And impossible.

  7. Nice to see you back Kyra. I totally agree that writing helps me work through things in my life, don't really know how I'd cope without it!

  8. Writing is something I definitely can't give up, either. No matter how much I might like to some days...

    Welcome back to the IWSG!

  9. Awesome! I love the idea of miles of smiles!

    1. It's going to be a lot of fun! I hope you can join us!

  10. Writing tends to drive me crazy at times but I'd probably be crazier without it!

  11. Your enthusiastic spirit shines through your words.
    Trisha Faye
    Writer’s Zen:

  12. It makes me smile that you've returned to blogging! I've missed your cheery comments. No, I don't think I could quit writing even if I wanted to. Like you, it's my way of dealing with the world and with life.

    1. It's great to be back! <3

      And yes, writing is definitely a good way to channel anything that is bothering us in the real world!

  13. I'm the same way. No matter how frustrated I get, writing is always going to be a part of me.

    1. Yes! It's not something that can just be turned off.

  14. I've always thought of you as being a natural/born writer, so I can't imagine you quitting.
    #MilesOfSmiles sounds like a wonderful initiative!
    Welcome back to the blogosphere!

  15. Everyone's changing their look! I feel like the last one on the blogOsphere to stay with my old blog. Perhaps mine will become a rare antique! Glad you've never thought of giving up!

    1. Haha, I figured a change of look was a good idea - kind of a fresh start lol.

  16. Quit sounds so final, breaks sound temporary. :)
    Best of luck with everything!

    Thank you,
    Heather M. Gardner
    Co-Host/Admin IWSG

  17. Hey, I'm sucking right now :-) Writing is part of who you are, so you'll never quit - and that makes me happy!

    1. Aww, thank you! And you totally don't suck! <3

  18. I'm glad writing is such a therapeutic, relaxing thing for you! I used to love writing but unfortunately had to stop. Most of the reason I stopped was because I didn't have time to write, and so all the writing motivation and desire has slowly dwindled. It would be great if the motivation and inspiration returns one day because I did used to love it

  19. Writing is indeed a helpful outlet to help us deal with the intense things that come our way.


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