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Author R. Mac Wheeler Wants You To Celebrate With Him!

Good morning! 

Today, I want to introduce you to a blog-friend who writes Dude Lit. He swears all of his novels are shock-full of romance from the man's point of view. I assume that means lusting, drooling, and nasty jokes. But we'll have to test-drive his books to find out (and he promises a free title for anyone who leaves a comment on his blog…note what title you want).

Mac is celebrating right now because (drum roll please) he is…publishing his 24th novel. Drop by his blog where he posts his photography and give him a congratulations…or visit his home page and peruse his titles…read an excerpt...and help him celebrate. (Links are below!)

About Novel #24
This volume of the NEW ORDER APOCALYPSE series continues thirty-three years after an engineered plague shredded Earth's population.

Chloe and Ginna Lee must decide whether to continue Jason's dream to unite survivors, or concentrate on surviving. Chloe hasn't the tact to play ambassador, and Ginna Lee is more likely to take heads than spread good will. Promises little hope they can build an alliance, especially if peace hinges on a cure for Jihad. Meanwhile, the landscape they must cross still writhes with roamers and desperate clans.

Mac spins tales around rich, gritty characters with a lot of baggage, and puts them through a bit more grief than they can handle. His tone leans toward the sarcastic, passive aggressive.

Please visit Mac at:

Hope you have a great Monday! 


  1. Hey, I just commented but it disappeared, so apologies if there's two from me...

    I know Mac! His photos are great. 24 books is pretty mind blowing. I'll head over!

  2. 24 novels is amazing! Congratulations to Mac!

  3. I read the second New Order Apocalypse and was a great read. Dude lit...perfect description. Yes, there was romance, minus the flowers and fore play ;)
    Mac's book are as unique and wonderful as himself.

  4. Dude-Lit. I love that! And I am definitely interested in reading it. 24 novels? Wow! I wish I was there, but that may take me many, many years. ;)

    Congrats, Mac!

  5. Congrats to him. I like the sound of Dude Lit.

  6. Sounds like a great book. Congratulations to Mac!

  7. Yay for Mac! He's definitely a veteran, and can we create a new genre. Dude Lit has definitely got a ring.

  8. 24 novels!!!! AWE-SOME!!! Congrats to Mac!

  9. Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations Mac!


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