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This Is The Week!

This is a very bold announcement to make, since I have a bunch of work on this week, but I've decided, this is the week I write a massive chunk of Game On Book 3.

See, I started it during NaNo last year, and never completed the challenge, never mind the book. The reason? I genuinely thought I'd written drivel.

The issue with writing a series like Game On - which doesn't follow the same MCs throughout - is that each character is SO different, it sort of messes with the balance a little. Game On was all about passion and fire. Therefore, people expected more of that when they read Blindsided. (Keeping in mind it should have been clear from the blurb that those two books were going to be very different!! But apparently not everyone reads blurbs). Game On Book 3 - loosely titled "Sidelined" - is different again. Where Blindsided was sweet and romantic, Book 3 actually has very little romance. It's more to do with Bree's struggle to find her place in the world, outside of being the wife of a famous soccer player, and the label of being a total ditz.

As much as I like to think it doesn't matter about the differences between books in the same series, it seems to matter to a lot of readers.

Those things weighed down on me while writing, making me think the book was not worth the paper it is written on.

I need to get over it, because there IS no other story for Bree. This story is who she is, and where she is in her life at this point of the Game On timeline. I can't force myself to make it something it's not for the sake of trying to make it more like Game On. Well, I could, but then it wouldn't make any sense to me, and it would throw off the following books.

So, this week, I need to get over the doubts and get the book written. I promised a February release, and if I delay too long, February will be here and I won't be ready!


  1. I totally understand! Cole's novella ended up being more urban fantasy than paranormal romance (like the rest of the series). You have to be true to the character. :)

    Good luck!

  2. Yay! I actually love the fact the books are different (on account on my not liking series so much), so it works for me because I get great writing and completely new plots :-) Looking forward to reading the WHOLE thing ;-)

  3. Being true to your character and their story is more important than pleasing readers. While readers matter, a bad or lukewarm story is never good. Not even if it makes sales. Good luck.

  4. Agree with all the wise words above. Write what works for you and the story. Good luck.

  5. Write the story that needs to be told for each character. They should be a little different, as people are different. And the tone of my three were all different as well.

  6. I agree with the others, of course. You have to write her story, not some other story just to fit a mold readers might want. 'Might' being a key word. You never know what they're after anyway, so you have to just write and try not to think of them. :)

  7. Good can do it!

  8. I agree with the others, too. Being true to the story is much more important.

    And, for what it's worth, I like that the books are different, too.

  9. Good for you, Kyra! Write what's in your heart. I let the voices get to me too. I'm glad you're breaking free. Have fun writing!

  10. That's great news! Awesome for you!!! I bet it'll be fantastic :)

  11. You have to write the story the way it comes ... then it's time to dissect it and get all technical. Here's to following the muse, eh?

  12. You have to tell the story that is supposed to be there for the character. Good luck with your goals, Kyra! Happy New Year!

  13. I have had the same situation. I have the three books in the Coulter men series and each book has a little different tone. They have to. They are coming from differing POVs. I've read both Blind Sided and Game On and honestly, I don't see what people are complaining about, You have a specific style that shines through (love the snippets of humor!) but the voice has to change slightly, or it wouldn't be a different book?

  14. Good luck cranking out that chunk of writing! Go you. :)

  15. You can do it, Kyra! And having all the books different just means you're a versatile writer. Plus they're bloody brilliant!

  16. Oh the challenges of a series! I'm just now discovering them as I'm working on my sequel too. Good luck!!

  17. Whoop! I hope it goes brilliantly. I have tried to read 'Blindsided' on my Kindle Fire but it won't open - I only seem to have the cover pic! I think it will work on my bog-standard Kindle, which is what I will try next when I have time. I'm glad you've decided to tell the story you want to tell :-)

  18. This little doubts are so tough aren't they? But you're right. You have to write the story you're meant to write. And the characters know what that is. I'm sure it will be awesome Kyra! You go girl!

  19. You're like the book version of American Horror Story. Same series, different story. I like it!

    Good luck with writing book 3! I'm sure it's going to be awesome!

  20. Go with your gut, Kyra! It won't steer you wrong. And good luck with Book 3!


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