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Happy New Year - 2014 Plans and such

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2014 is everything you want it to be and more!

So... I took a very extended break from blogging last year, popping in and out whenever I found the time, and while I really did try my best to fit everything in, blogging was one of the things that mostly got lost amongst everything else I was doing.

Here's the thing. Every time I come back saying I promise to be better at blogging, I always fail. It's like a New Year's Resolution I make four times a year, and it pretty much falls by the wayside as soon as the words have left my mouth - or fingertips. SO, instead of that, I am going to say that from next week onwards, I plan to blog on Mondays and Fridays. That means I know when I need to post, and I will use those days to catch up on everyone else's blogs instead of trying to follow everything every day, and flailing because it's too much. See, I figure giving myself definite posting days is better than a wishy-washy promise to "try harder".  The new schedule will start on Monday!

This year, I have GOT to set myself better working hours, so I know when I can be writing, when I can be working on the day job, and most importantly, when I can read and generally unwind. I need to fit more paid work in this year, which means I need to manage my time properly. I have just set up this page on my website, where I am now officially offering beta reading, proofing and editing services. It would be fabulous if you'd check it out and/or tell people about it - but you don't HAVE to. I just wanted to put it out there so you know what I'm doing. :D Also, if you are a bloggy friend and I've known you for a while, I will still edit your work for free!

In regards to actually writing - well, I need to get back on the publishing horse! I published nothing last year, which is absolutely ridiculous. I finished an MS, but it's STILL resting while I work out what I want to do with it. I am also working on Game On Book 3. While I was unsure about whether it is even interesting enough to be published, the fabulous Annalisa Crawford read it and I got in trouble for not finishing it because she wanted to read more! That is always a good thing, and a much needed boost. If I work hard, I can get Game On Book 4 out also, and as yet, I have no other brilliant book ideas so it's definitely  a possibility.

In amongst all that I need to find  time for my new hobby lol. Those of you who I'm friends with on Facebook will have noticed I picked up an unexpected interest in knitting! It makes me feel about five hundred years old to be doing this, but it's oddly addictive.

This was the first thing I ever knitted - and yes - I'm aware it's pretty freaking bizarre lol!

Okay, that's enough rambling from me! I am going to get back to seeking out jobs and trying to pretend Christmas isn't really over by eating mince pies and chocolates!


  1. Yes, you definitely are in trouble, but I forgive you :-) Best of luck with the editorial services, and the knitting!

  2. Set a schedule you can follow, Kyra. I scaled back my blogging because I just don't have time to visit everyone every single day.

  3. Sounds like a manageable plan. Good luck with the writing, work and knitting in 2014.

  4. Happy new year! And congrats on the new editing biz and knitting. How fun. ;)

  5. Happy New Year! Sounds like 2014 is going to be amazing for you. Congrats :)

  6. I've never knitted anything before, but it does look rather soothing. And productive! I can write for three hours and have nothing to show for it, but three hours of knitting could produce a nifty little hat, eh?

    1. LOL, yes! It is quite relaxing, you know, until you drop a stitch and then it's not so fun anymore! :p

  7. Happy New Year! Having a blogging schedule is awesome. I wrote one up before the new year. It's helped already. Good luck on your job search and professional editing endeavors.

    I had two chocolate squares yesterday, so I'm still pretending it's Christmas too.

    1. Thanks, Tracey!

      Hee hee, I am still enjoying the Christmas biscuits!

  8. I hate to say good bye to Christmas too. I also need a better work schedule, because I fail at getting so much done!

  9. My mince pies are all gone :-( (but I think I may have a slice or two of Yule Log left!) I've optimistically written in my new diary to blog twice a month, which is an improvement on what I've been managing! I'm going to try and write a haiku (or two) for each month too. I'm no poet, but I really like the simplicity of haiku. Enjoy those mince pies - it ain't over til it's over!

    1. Heh, we still have some Christmas cake and a load of chocolates and biscuits left!

      Good luck with your new blog schedule!

  10. Good luck with the new editing services! One more thing to keep you busy.

    Happy 2014!

    Oh, and I don't think I've ever had a mince pie.

  11. Happy 2014! The important thing is to set reasonable expectations for yourself and do the best you can. I think your new schedule is a good idea, and I hope that goes well for you. I need to get back into a blogging routine. My husband had the last week and a half off work, and having him home always messes up my schedule, though certainly not in a bad way.

    1. Happy 2014 to you, too!

      Yes, reasonable expectations is where I lacked last year. I just tried to cram everything in and it stressed me out lol!

  12. Happy New Year! Sound like you're working toward a great perspective on balance. When you figure out the answer, share it with me! :)

  13. Happy New Year, Kyra!

    Blogging has taken a back seat for me too, but it shouldn't. I really need to think of it as a fun place to just share stuff.

    Here's a a great 2014!

    1. I'm going to try hard to keep up better this year, for sure!

  14. Happy New Year! Don't worry, I published nothing last year either, despite me saying I would. Hopefully you can find some balance and time! :) I want to read your new book.

    Good luck with everything and with your new venture!

  15. Happy new year! I forgot everything else I was going to say when I read the word chocolates. :)


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