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(Never) Again Bloghop!

The lovely Theresa Paolo released her debut novel, (Never) Again, this week, and to celebrate, she's having a bloghop!

Here are the deets: Liz, the main character of (Never) Again got her heart broken and refused to ever open it up to anyone again. We all know how that goes though. How many times have you swore off something only to step right back into it? So for this bloghop I want to know what it is you swore you would never do again and then wound up doing. It could be anything. Dating a guy, drinking, going on the roller coaster that made you vomit, anything.

 Okay, so I figured this would be simple, because I'm sure everyone has something they promised themselves they'd never do again. As it turns out, I have quite a lot!

The one I'm going to go with has to do with dating - it seemed fitting!

When I was at school, my first boyfriend sort of happened out of nowhere. I liked the guy, but I didn't know he liked me. He made the first move which surprised the hell out of me, and we started dating soon after. We had a kind of... intense relationship. We broke up a lot and every time, I decided I was done. At one stage, there was a full year and a half gap between us getting back together, but I was never able to fully break the connection. It finally ended when he arranged to meet me one time and didn't show. THAT was the final straw. But it took about three and a half years for me to draw a line under the relationship.

Yo-yo relationships SUCK.

You can buy (Never) Again by Theresa Paolo from Amazon by clicking here.


  1. Yesterday I swore I would never again answer the phone at my day job. Does that count? =)

    Yo-yo relationships do suck.

    Great bloghop!

  2. I've never been in a yo-yo relationship, if you don't count the one I did for the bloghop. But that wasn't a real relationship. Back then I didn't do relationships.

    1. Sometimes, not doing relationships is the best thing!

  3. No yo-yo relationships for me but everything in life has a lesson attached to it. Nice post Kyra and congrats Theresa.

  4. Never had a relationship like that, but my husband and I broke up once while dating, and that was torture enough. I can only imagine...

    1. Yeah, break-ups are no fun, so going back and forth and doing it over and over really sucks!

  5. Ugh, yo-yos. I actually had a boyfriend who broke up with me (but actually was trying to guilt trip me--it sounded like "I think we should break up because YOU'RE not happy"--he didn't expect me to agree!), and I told myself I would definitely never date him again. There's no real punch line though, because I didn't. (Even though he called later and begged to get me back and told me he hadn't meant it. I had!) I'm glad you finally had a last straw and held to it, because it sounds like there was some fundamental lack of respect there and you shouldn't have to deal with it. :)

  6. At least you said never again and finally meant it!

    1. Yes! I finally grew up and realised I was wasting my time lol.

  7. Ouch! Glad you finally kicked that yo-yo habit. ;)

  8. yo-yo relationships do suck! I love Alex's comment! You said it and finally meant it :) ! His loss!

  9. No yo yo for me either. Probably just lucky though cause I could've been sucked into that easily.

  10. The boy didn't know a good thing when he saw it ;-)

  11. First loves so often end in a kind of off and on again over and over sort of thing. It's just so hard to let that person go. (By the third or fourth time we have more practice.) ;)

  12. Yoyo relationships are the worst. At least you're not in one now, right?


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