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WIP: The Movie Bloghop... It's BACK!

Can you believe it’s been almost two years since we last did this? Well, WIP: The Movie Bloghop is back, and Rachel Schieffelbein and I are co-hosting again! For those who didn’t see this last time, or who need a quick reminder, here’s what it’s all about:

Almost all of us have imagined who would play the characters in our WIPs if they were ever made into a movie. On February 28th, we want you to “cast” your WIP, and post photos of the actors/actresses you would choose to play the characters in your latest manuscript. You don’t have to cast everyone if you don’t want to, just show us your MCs and tell us a little about them.

 Also, we’d like you to tell us which songs you’d have on your WIP Movie soundtrack! This can be one song that fits the main theme of the story, or several songs that make you think of your story.

Rachel and I will each pick a winner at random, and we’re giving away one of our favourite books which were turned into movies!

 Rachel’s prizes: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak + Choose one of Rachel’s ebooks.

My prizes: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky + Choose one of my ebooks OR an ARC of Game On Book 3 You can sign up for the hop here:


  1. I remember this! So cute. Unfortunately, my wip is in its iddy biddy baby development stages and I don't have a clear picture in mind yet. But maybe (hopefully) I will before the end of the month!

  2. I had so much fun the last time you hosted this blogfest, so I can't wait to play again! :D

  3. I don't have a WIP that's suitable, so I'm using my next release... I hope that doesn't break the rules! Either way it's exciting! :D

  4. Ah! This sounds like such a blast! Only one problem: I don't follow actors and am totally clueless as to who could even play my characters. I mean, seriously! Only my characters could play my characters! ;) I'm definitely going to come around a read all the entries.

  5. Ugggghhh I so want to do this, except I do not have a dream actor for my main character. I have them for the other two important characters, but not the most important one! I dunno...I'll think about it. :)

  6. I probably won't participate (as I can never think of actors for my characters) but I will mention your blogfest this Wednesday.

  7. awesome! i can't believe its been two years!
    glad youre doing it again, it will be fun!

  8. I added it to my blogfests/hops list :)

  9. Very cool! I always have so much trouble thinking of just the right actors, though. If only I could put Gary Oldman in everything! ;)

  10. Sounds fun! I love reading everyone's responses. :)

  11. Oh this sounds like so much fun! What a great idea. :) Signed up :D

  12. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by! Of course I'm in :)

  13. Ooh, book soundtracks! Fun, fun!

  14. I'm definitely in! This sounds like a very fun opportunity!

    P.S. There's a typo... in your title, you wrote move instead of movie. :)

  15. Sounds like fun! I wish I thought about these things more, but usually can't think of anyone to play most of my characters. LOL!

  16. Oh my gosh - SO much fun! I think I feel a Pinterest board coming on...

  17. This sounds really cool. I'd be glad to participate.


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