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IWSG- Finding My Way Back


I haven't done an IWSG post in years, but it's nice to be back! 

And I guess that is what my post will be about today. 

Over the last few years, and probably since I stopped blogging, I lost my way a bit. I've met a LOT of authors on Facebook and have made some amazing friends, but there is nothing quite like the support of the blogging community. 

But now I have to find my way back in. Do people remember me? Do people want to know what I've been doing? It's quite scary coming back after being away. Thankfully, those who have found me have been so welcoming! 

But it's not just about finding my way back with blogging. I am still trying to find my feet in terms of writing again. Two years of hardly any words coming out has messed with my head. 

Can I still write as well as before? If not, will it come back over time? And again, will the people who used to read my books still want to hear from me? 

I look at the books I've released and wonder where those incredible words came from. But back then, when I was writing, I was also busy. I was having fun with friends and having some kind of life. When you're forced to stay inside, you get used to it. You get used to not doing anything. It wasn't just the pandemic that stopped me - I was also ill and had to wait a long time for answers and eventually surgery. Knowing I can do things again now is something I am still getting used to, but I hope as I do more, the words will come more easily. 


  1. Welcome back to IWSG. Sounds like you took a break right about the time I joined. The last three(!) years have been rough, to put it lightly. I hope that the ongoing social media meltdowns convince more people to (re)turn to blogging and groups like the IWSG. So much a better way to communicate.

    1. Hi John! It's nice to meet you!

      I agree. Blogging is a much better way to communicate, and I think people are much kinder here too!

  2. Welcome back, Kyra! You'll find a lot of familiar faces, I hope. I'm glad you're back and look forward to hearing all about it.

  3. I course we remember you. Also, we're friends on Facebook. Blogging isn't as big as it once was, it seems. I pretty much only do the IWSG post monthly and that's it. It can be a lot of work and takes time away from writing, but I can do once a month. Maybe in the future, I'll do more.

    But welcome back, Kyra! I'm glad you're well again.

    Co-hosting the IWSG this month -

    1. Hey Gwen!

      Thank you for stopping by! I am pleased we maintained our connection over the time I was away! <3

  4. So nice to have you back!!!
    The pandemic caused so many challenges - adding in health issues/surgery into that and it's no wonder the creativity slowed. I'm sure as you exercise those writing muscles, the words will start flowing again! *hugs*

    1. Thanks, Jemi!

      Yeah, it certainly was a lot to deal with all at once! Hope you are doing well! xx

  5. I don't know if we met or not. What I do know is everyone is welcome here and you'll find your feet, again. Give yourself a break and dive in. Write like no one will read it. and maybe at first that will be true. Keep at it and you'll eventually want feedback. Let me know when that day comes and we'll talk.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. I think this is our first time meeting!

      Thank you for your wise words! You are right, everyone is lovely here, and it's nice to know that there are some friendly new faces as well as people I remember from before!

  6. Hi Kyra. I remember you for sure. It's great to see you back on the blogosphere. I loved reading your heartfelt post. I look forward to interacting once again.

  7. IWSG is a great community, very welcoming. It is wonderful that you found your way back to it.

    1. It sure is a fab community, and it's lovely to meet you! x

  8. Welcome back! Probably all writers know the feeling of losing our way and doubting our own abilities. Lockdown destroyed my own writing mojo and really hurt my mental health too.

    1. Thank you!

      I hope you have managed to get your mojo back now! x

  9. Oh! I finally got the comment working... yay! And welcome back!! Stick to your writing, and you'll get your mojo and skill back in no time.

  10. I remember you!

    I had the same results from switching from blogging to other social media. I was very unproductive. There is something special about blogging. I think the relationships on here are more personal, probably because a blog post takes more effort than a post.

    No matter. I'm just glad you're well and you're back! Hugs!!

    1. I missed you!

      I agree, blogging creates a very different connection. It's also a lot friendlier, I think!

      Sending you lots of hugs!

  11. A belated welcome back! I hope things have improved.


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