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So, I have this book...

An alarming realisation hit me. There is less than 3 weeks until this book is released.

It's not easy being friends with rising rock stars - especially when you're the glue that holds them together. 

Razes Hell has taken off in the charts, and Ellie can't believe her childhood friends, Drew and Jason Brooks, are on TV and drawing crowds after years spent playing in dodgy bars. From obscurity to overnight success, Ellie soon realizes life in the public eye isn’t all it’s cracked up to be as dark secrets become headline news and old conflicts are re-ignited. When a fake feud meant to boost the band’s popularity threatens to rip the boys apart for real, Ellie finds herself torn – a position which only gets more uncomfortable when her loyalty to Jason collides with her blossoming relationship with Drew. 

Nobody knows how deep their issues run; nobody but Ellie. With friendship, a music career and a new love on the line, can Ellie keep their tangled pasts from ruining their futures?

This is both exciting and terrifying! On top of that - I have a two week review-only blog tour to fill AND I really need some help with my launch day blitz!

Below is the link to sign up for ARCs and/or the release day launch. You don't HAVE to sign up for an ARC, though I will love you forever if you do want one lol. Ideally, I need as many people as possible posting on launch day so that Nobody Knows is seen because - while the momentum is picking up nicely - it's still not quite enough. And help will be appreciated! Thank you!!

Sign up here :D


  1. LOL! I was in your same place a couple weeks ago--begging my family to please go home so I could focus on a release tour. Which I'm in the middle of now. Wish I could chip in, but my blog is dedicated to YA content. Here's hoping you find all the help you need!

  2. I wish I could host you, and return the favor for you hosting me recently, but I'm all booked up into the New Year. :( But you wish you all the best with your release day and two week blog tour!

  3. Eeeeee!!!! Wonderful, Kyra!!! This is SO exciting. Can't wait for this story to be out there! <3

  4. You know I'll announce it when it's out!

  5. Kyra, I tried to fill it out just for an announcement on release day but it wanted me to pick two days for the tour. Just be sure to send me your cover and links before release day and I'll include them in my post.

  6. Awesome! I did pre-order the book, and you know I'll do a review for it. I'll be happy to do a post on your release day too. :)

  7. I've signed up :) Very excited for you!!

  8. Wish you all the rest with your release date Kyra. Releasing a book can be nerve wrecking but never forget the thrill.

  9. Wishing you all the best with the tour! Sounds an awesome story!

  10. I don't do reviews, but I'll do the launch day blitz. I'll go click on the sign up now. :)

  11. I still need to review it. and make sure I post on the right date. I'm all sorts of scattered lately.

  12. Ooh, so exciting! Your launch day is coming so soon! I just signed up to do a promo post for your launch—looking forward to it! :)


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