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It's Christmas Already?!

Wow. I just signed in and realised I haven't blogged in four weeks. I've been so busy it didn't feel like that long!

There is really no reason why you should continue reading since I have been the worst blogger ever this year. I can't even explain how it happened, really. I started picking up editing jobs all over the place, and before I knew it, it was December 17th!

For those of you who have been kind enough to stick around while I've been absent, and checked in on me, I want to say thank you. I have a lot of work to do to catch up with everything I've missed. This includes not only reading your blogs, but any books you may have published while I've been running around like a crazy person! I've barely touched a book in months - it's an editing thing. I spend all day editing books, and by the end of the day, I just want to rest my eyes. I may need to invest in some audiobooks!

Before I shoot off again, I want to highlight three books, by three super cool people who I would have mentioned before if I'd been around - all of these books would make excellent Christmas gifts for yourself, or for friends and family, and even better than that - they are all very different!

First, one for the kids:

Blurb: Edward Everywhere is the beautifully illustrated story of Edward McKinnon. When his uncle sails into the jaws of a massive hurricane, Edward is compelled to search for him.

Edward is a smart eleven-year-old living north of Miami. He cares about saving endangered animals and the planet, but he was taught by his father that logic and money rule the world.

When his bohemian uncle, Theo, arrives on his sailboat for a visit, their formerly strained relationship is turned around when Theo teaches Edward that life isn't always about logic, but about believing.

When Theo goes missing on his boat during a hurricane, Edward launches his father's modified golf cart from the roof of his house to search for Theo. The craft is drawn into a wormhole, beginning an adventure through time and space that has Edward traveling to the famous pirates' den Port Royal, Jamaica, meeting Captain Henry Morgan, and helping him defeat the Spanish Main.

Edward uses his intelligence, logic, and science to help himself out of many sticky situations, and he uses his newfound faith in himself to believe that anything is possible.

Seriously, guys. If you have kids, they will love this story. I helped edit this book, and I fell in love with Edward, and his hilarious parrot, Jerry. What's great about it is, it's educational for children without being pushy, and there are jokes inside that will make adults laugh, that will go over the kids' heads.  I couldn't recommend this book more highly, and the illustrations inside are stunning!

Next, one for the contemporary romance fans: 

Blurb: Christmas is Eden's favourite holiday, until Declan Fox reappears in her life to put a dampener on her festive spirit. The boy who made her school years a misery isn't the boy he used to be, though. Matured and working as a mechanic, Eden starts to see a side to him she never knew was there.

While Declan used to find any excuse to torment Eden, now he uses any excuse he can to talk to her, at least, until an unexpected sleepover takes them both by surprise. As Declan cuts off all contact, Eden is convinced his sudden desire to get close to her was another of his childish pranks.

Suddenly, the most wonderful time of the year turns into a time of self-doubt that no amount of mince pies and feel-good Christmas movies can fix. However, when Declan shows up under the mistletoe, Eden has a big decision to make. With him blowing hot and cold, can she really trust that he's grown up and changed, or will the memories of the past keep her from having a chance with the one guy she could never forget? 

I did a beta read for this book, and it's really cute. It's only a novella, so the story line is quite condensed, however, if people can buy that Colin Firth's character can fall in love with the woman who cleans his holiday home in Love Actually in two weeks, they can buy a story about a complex couple with a history! There is a LOT of heart in this story, and of course, lots of festive awesomeness! 

Finally, something for those who don't want to read about Christmas, or romance, but want a very gritty novella that will make them think:

Paradise Incoming by Alex Tanner

Blurb: Sometimes, when you're travelling, you want to do something a bit different. Sometimes - just sometimes - you head so far off the beaten track you wind up in No Man's Land.

My name is Wesley Morey. In November 2001, in the wake of the 9/11 attack on America...

... We found a track that no man wants to walk.

This book kept me awake. I couldn't put it down until it was finished because I needed to find out what happened next. And when I'd finished it, I couldn't stop thinking about it, as if the characters were real and these events really did occur. Alex Tanner is amazing, and if you don't know her name yet, you will! 


  1. I'm totally on board with the Colin Firth storyline in Love Actually, so I'll be checking out Matilda's book, and Alex's. Although like you, I don't seem to have the time to read at the moment! I'm hoping Christmas will change that :-)

  2. Alex's book sounds fantastic! Thanks. :)

  3. Paradise Incoming looks good. And I love that cover. Totally eye-catching.

  4. All three of those books look good! Love the covers for them!

    And editing can do that to a person. It's one reason why I've cut back on editing professionally. It was eating up all my time. I must admit I miss the paychecks, though. LOL!

    Happy Holidays, Kyra!

  5. Hey Kyra! Good to hear from you. Understand about resting the eyes.

  6. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Kyra.

  7. I'm loving Edward Everywhere. You aren't a bad blogger, just a busy woman and writer. We'll wait for you and Merry Christian and have an excellent New Year.

  8. You can't be the worst blogger ever this year. I'm pretty sure that was me.

    Thanks for the book recommendations—I'm off to check them out!

  9. Thank you Kyra! (and everyone else who is thinking about checking out the book) :D

  10. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy reading!

  11. Hey Kyra! I have been remiss on the blogging front too. Although with me it's been because of poor health. But I have not forgotten you and have been thinking about all of my blogging friends as well. Hope to see you (and me) back in full force in 2014. Happy New Year.


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