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So, one day, I had this bright idea...

... to organise a book signing!

Yup, that's right! In a moment of slight madness, and with some encouragement from friends, I decided to put together a mini book signing event, where I could meet friendly locals, hopefully sign some books and give away some stuff, and let more people know what I do!

The event is happening on June 15th, and I roped the lovely Annalisa Crawford in with me for several reasons. Firstly, more people need to know about Annalisa's books because they DESERVE to be read. Secondly, we always have fun together. And finally, if nobody turns up, we can get drunk because we're doing the signing at a gorgeous country pub! :p (The part about getting drunk isn't really true, I don't drink, but it's nice to have someone to sob with if nobody comes!)

As part of the organising for the signing, I decided I'd also do something useful for a local charity, in the form of a raffle. Hahahaha, I have never done anything like this before, but thanks to some amazing people, I have got a bunch of kickass prizes including a Kindle, a full body massage, a £20 voucher for a tattoo, meals at local restaurants, books, a painting by a local artist and SO much more. If anyone's interested, the charity is called Richard's Wish and it's a pretty awesome cause, so I'm thrilled so many people have rallied around to support them

So, with around four weeks to go, I am slightly terrified. There is a very good reason I use a pen name, and it's mostly so if I suck at what I do, people won't necessarily know it's me! :p Doing a signing is a little bit like walking around town naked. There's nowhere to hide! I know every time I release a book, there's potential for criticism, but it is MUCH scarier when the criticism might come from people who actually know me. 
On the other hand, it  could be an overwhelming success. :D
Either way, it's organised, I'm ready to go, and there's no turning back now!  


  1. Congrats on taking this major step. I believe you will end up being glad you did it. Happy you roped in another authour, we need to help each other out. Also glad you decided to help a charity as well.

  2. Hey,

    Two of my favorite Authors at a book signing!! How awesome is that - and will you order a pint for me, too:)

    Sorry I can't be there in person, but can't wait to hear how SUCCESSFUL an event it was :)

    1. Ha, I will definitely order a pint for you! :D

      Thanks, Mark!

  3. You're so brave! I'm glad you're doing it with Annalisa though, as it's moral support and you'll have a laugh whatever happens. With our anthology launch, only a handful of people turned up, but we were pleased with that as there was a raging blizzard outside! So wishing you a nice sunny day!

    1. Thanks! Ack, it sucks when you have something big planned and the weather turns rubbish! I'm hoping for a nice, sunny June. :D

  4. I bet you both sell lots of books! Very cool you are helping a charity.

  5. Ooh. I wish I could be there. And having it with Annalisa is a brilliant idea.

    1. Thanks! I wish all of my bloggy buddies could come over, it would be so much fun!

  6. I think a signing is a fabulous idea! Good luck!

  7. Good luck with the signing and you're awesome for organising the raffle for charity. I wouldn't know where to start!

    1. Thank you!

      I didn't know what I was letting myself in for in the beginning, but once I got started, it wasn't as difficult as I thought! :D

  8. Lol, it IS going to be awesome... and I can happily get drunk for the both of us if we end up alone!! You deserve people to know you're the writer of those great books!

    Thanks for the lovely words about my books too :-)

    Of course, if you add the actual details of the signing, and I share this post on Twitter, we might get some more people turning up :-p

    1. Aww, thank you! I am really looking forward to it! :D

      LOL, as I said, most people who read this live in the US so an address might not help! :p

  9. This sounds like a great idea! I hope it goes really well for you both!

  10. I so wish I could be there! I would love it.

    You're going to be great. Totally love the idea of helping a charity. And holy smokes, I didn't know you used a pen name! Learn something new everyday.

    1. I wish you could be there, too!

      Haha, I don't usually confess to having a pen name, but yes, I do. My real name isn't as interesting :p

  11. I love the idea of doing this with a friend. Makes it not quite as scary :)

    1. Absolutely! I'm not crazy about being the centre of attention lol!

  12. That sounds like loads of fun, and OF COURSE people will come!

  13. That's an awesome idea! Not only for the book signing, but to have a charity raffle too. Walk proud... even if you do feel kinda naked! :)

    1. Hee hee, thank you! It's definitely scary, but I'm looking forward to it!

  14. Well it sounds like fun I'm sure loads of people will come and see you.

  15. This sounds like a great idea - and why not give it a go? If all else fails you and Annalisa can drown your sorrows in hot chocolate! Wishing you all the best and looking forward to hearing about it!

  16. What a great idea! Good luck. ☺

  17. So exciting! And good for you for taking Annalisa :)

  18. What a brilliant idea! I wish I lived close enough to be there. I hope you take lots of pictures and I know it will be successful.

  19. This sounds like a brilliant idea!

  20. So cool! I wish I could go! I hope you both of loads of fun.

  21. How awesome! I so wish I could be there :(

    Have tons of fun!!

  22. A bit difficult to attend from Texas. But I know it will be a full-on success story!

  23. you two will have a blast in a glass...but hopefully you don't need to drink to sorrows but to victories!!!


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