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My working day consists of getting up, sitting down and writing articles. Mostly, I get paid to write entertainment news which I absolutely love! I also do travel, TV and the occasional dating article (though I worked tirelessly on dating articles last year and have run out of experiences to share lol!)

After my day is over, I get to work on my novel. If I class it as a hobby, it might not get done. The truth is, it's work of a different kind. It's work I adore, because I set the rules and I know the characters I am writing about. Lately, I am finding myself drawn more and more to fiction, and not wanting to focus on the day job. That would be fine, but I have to support myself, and bills need to be paid.It's hard to stay on task when all I want to do is drift off into my little chick-lit world and expand on the lives of my characters. Today, I am finding it particularly tough!

I'm happy with what I have. Writing is what I love and I know I'm lucky to be able to do it every day. I just wish there were a couple more hours in the day to fit everything in that needs to be done.

How do you stay on task when you need to do something other than writing?


  1. Oh man, that's tough because I'm sure you're using your computer to do both. See, when I have to do other things besides write, it's usually away from the computer, so it's not so bad.

    But I'm constantly writing in my head, lol.

    1. It is excruciating lol! Everyone wonders why I go through so many laptops, but it's because it's usually turned on for 14 hours a day!

      I'm always writing fiction in my head too, and quite often the inspiration strikes just when I am trying to fall asleep!

  2. I make the novel my carrot and dangle it as I write on other projects. I tell myself if I just finish the article, or the manuscript critique, I can work on the novel. It works....sometimes.

    1. Yes! That trick has been working well for me, until today. But today, the pull is really strong lol! I've done 5 articles, met a couple of deadlines, so I think I can reward myself with some novel writing time :D

  3. I set a timer for 25 min and get everything done that I need to. Then I go back to writing for 25 min. On and on it goes. I'm amazed at how much I can accomplish in 25 min :)

    1. That's a pretty cool idea! I might try it, but with a slightly different time setting lol. :D

  4. Luckily I haven't been faced with this problem too much, yet. If I have to do something non-writing related, its usually away from the computer and in town. Plus I enjoy the break and getting out for a while.

    I do wonder how I'll juggle it once I get a job though. I have every intention of taking a notebook to work with me an writing during my lunch breaks.

    Good luck, I hope you find a way to balance out article writing and fiction writing.

    I love Angela Cothran's suggestion of setting a timer and doing 25 mins, then switching.

  5. Yeah, the timer thing is an excellent idea. :D

    Taking a notebook to work is a brilliant way to squish in some extra writing time, because it is hard to juggle a job and finding decent time to write, as well as all the family stuff. I know you will manage though - Mums are good at multi-tasking! :D


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