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Showing posts from May, 2017

A Return To Blogging

*taps mic* Hello! So, I haven't been here in forever - and... well, I don't imagine there is anyone left still following me since my average post has been once a year over the last few years! However, I have been somewhat drifting lately in regards to writing. I have released a LOT of books since I was a regular blogger, but things have slowed down hugely. There are a few reasons for this - the biggest being that I had to work harder to earn enough money to live on - a problem most of us face - and it left me with less time to write. I also cannot discount the fact that I am the queen of procrastination. It's certainly played a part lol. So, I recently spent some time thinking about what's different in my life now. What got in the way of my focus. The biggest thing I used to do regularly was blog. And the reason that was so helpful to me was because of YOU - if there are any of you left and still reading this lol. The community and regularly updating what I'd be...